Mr V - Wirral:      "Excellent and highly knowledgeable guide. Provided a comprehensive and well researched history of my family members service             along with a visit to key locations."  - 5 Day tour, centred around Festubert, with visits to Arras and the Somme, October 2017.

Anon:         "Having read your article relating to Gunner James William Precious, I feel that there is a real enthusiasm and passion in you             relating to the old boys of Scholes and Barwick in Elmet. I also recognise the depth of your research and would like to commend             the 'human aspects' of your writing." - Review of research work carried out on a local village war memorial.

Mr B - Northumberland  "It was a pleasure to spend four days with Nigel visiting the Somme recently. The assistance I received before the tour was             provided in an ultimately professional manner, and the presentations of each area were just incredible. Thank you Nigel for             providing me with memories which will last a lifetime." - Tour of the main sites of actions and interest on the 1916 Somme             Battlefields, January 2020.

Mr & Mrs G - Worcester "Thank you very much for the history of our grandfathers. We were both overwhelmed and blown away with all the information             you found. This is something we will treasure." - Review of research work on both clients' grandfathers, May 2020.

Mr C - Birmingham   "Many thanks for this, I'm absolutely over the moon with what you have found out about my Great Grandfather, it made             fascinating reading. I have printed everything off and have created a little pack that will go with nicely with his medals and             photos, the plan is then that it will be handed to my eldest son and hopefully safeguarded for future generations." - Review of             research work on client's Great Grandfather, May 2020.

Ms K - Pontefract    "I couldn't believe how much detail there was. I was expecting not much more than a list of places where my Granddad might have             fought but what you sent reads like his autobiography. It's amazing. The way you've explained everything makes everything so             clear. It's not just where he went, or what he did, but why and how too. It's brilliant. I can't thank you enough." Review of research             work on client's Grandfather - May 2020.

Mr B - Hastings     "Superb research work from @NigelGMarshall has helped piece together the First World War career of Pte Christopher             C********, MGC. Thank you Nigel, your research service is highly recommended." - Review (via Twitter) of research work on             client's friend's father, June 2020.
Mr R - North Yorkshire  "@NigelGMarshall has done 4 pieces of research for me and he is superb. Definitely worth getting in touch with him." - Twitter post             from a returning client, posted September 2020.
Mr R - Victoria, Australia "We really enjoyed today's tour.  As I indicated early on, despite doing Modern History at secondary school over 40 years ago,             your explanation of the origins of WW1 was the clearest I have heard." - One-day tour of Fromelles and Ypres Salient, August             2023.

Mr S - London     "Many thanks again for a truly wonderful weekend - we all learned a great deal and are very grateful for the time you took to plan              the weekend and also the patience with which you answered all our questions! - Two-day tour of the Ypres Salient, adults and              children, February 2024.